Pentacare Hospital assembled a team of eight specialists in a Multidisciplinary Team meeting convened by the MD/CEO to plan the clearly precarious surgical excision of this tumour which later weighed 1,300g.
The team included:-
- Three Head and Neck surgeons
- Oral and Maxillofacial surgeon
- Cardio thoracic and vascular surgeon
- Neurosurgeon
- Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon
- Anaesthesiologist
- General surgeon
- Orthopaedic surgeon/MD
- And Perioperative and other nurses.
The multidiscplinary team held two meetings to plan the surgery. some eight hours surgical procedures later, the tumor was removed.
Pentacare Hospital sponsored 85% of the bill running into over a million naira as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility.
The surgery was done on Saturday 21 November 2020.
Nearly eight months now, Pentacare Hospital has registered 491 patients, admitted 112 patients and carried out 80 operations including Total Knee Replacements, Splenectomy for trauma and this parotid tumour being our most involving and difficult surgery.
We are currently trying to rehabilitate a 10year old boy who was unfortunate to lose his leg to trauma and traditional bone setters treatment.
Long live Nigerian improved healthcare system.