Moronranti Tolani Street, Off Umaru Audi Road, Ilorin


You are safe in our hands.
Pentacare Hospital
Our Services

Pentacare Hospital offers an extraordinary range of healthcare services for five major division of diseases with a five fold efficiency. We are positioned to meet the increasing demand for affordable and quality healthcare services with experts in every field. We are open 24hours.

Trauma& Critical Care

Broken Bones  ∙ Tendinitis ∙ Achilles Tear ∙  Bone Tumors ∙ Ankle Fractures ∙ Hip Fractures

Brain & Spinal Cord

Stroke ∙Neuroma ∙Dystonia ∙ Epilepsy ∙ Cerebral Spinal Fluid Leak ∙ Spinal Fluid Leak ∙ Headache  ∙ Spine

Cancer & Infections

Bone Cancer ∙ Breast Cancer ∙ Colon & Rectal Cancer ∙ Tuberculosis ∙ Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)


Kidney & Heart Disease

Hypertension ∙ Heart Disease ∙ Congenital Heart Diseases ∙ Diabetes ∙ Heart Failure ∙ Angina  ∙ Cardiomyopathy ∙ Congestive Heart Failure ∙ Pericarditis ∙

Family Healthcare

Peadiatrics ∙ Asthma ∙ Fever ∙ Opthalmology ∙ Nausea ∙ Anxiety & Depression ∙ Sinus Infections ∙ Immunization ∙ Obstetrics & Gyneacology ∙ Ear, Nose & throat (ENT) ∙

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